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Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago


Just started the episode What is happening....?

Even in these fake detective shows the culprit is always the pretty woman 😔

That whole bit felt a little unnecessary, as if they needed a bit more to fill out the episode's runtime and added it on

I feel like Conan could be doing a bit more to stop her in between the calls, like he called out to her once then gave up
Also suicide by drowning? I know she's not in her right mind but that's a horrible way to go

Can.. Shinichi not just explain what the promise was..?

LesK • 2 years ago

i think there really was nothing for him to do in that situation. barbed wire, tall iron barred fence, with spear points, and it was extremely long without a break in either direction he could see. calling the girls on the phone after he got no response to shouting at the old lady was his best choice. she was in the midst of a bout of senile dementia and she's probably also been dealing with long term undiagnosed clinical depression.

i saw it more than once with my mom's father as his mental capabilities lessened over the near 20 years my parents lived in his house and took care of him; after my father retired from the military. my granpa would sometimes just drive off in his car in the morning and not come back to the house till it was past dark. more than once the police had to pull him over because he was driving too slow, or he was doing something he shouldn't. the cops would make him park the car somewheres. then they'd arrive at the house with my granpa in the backseat of the squad-car. my parents had to apologize to the cops and promise to take granpa's keys away from him.

the cops and my parents went through this five times over those two decades. finally my parents found and confiscated all the sets of car keys granpa had stashed in various places in the house. granpa just slowly got even worse over time after he lost that final bit of freedom and mobility. mom n dad tried their best to monitor granpa's meds, they'd make him good food to eat, and they took him to see his doctor every time. they also always took him out for drives and walks to the local parks and granpa's old cronies' hangouts.

but eventually granpa just couldn't take it anymore. he somehow ate a whole bottle of one of his blood pressure meds and he passed away a week later in the hospital from liver failure because of the toxicity from the overdose.

mom n dad had been taking turns working full-time in those twenty-ish years and the other would hang about the house seeing to granpa's needs. every few years they'd switch places and unfortunately when granpa passed it was my dad's 'turn' that year. my mother took quite a long time to forgive my father for that one mistake.

the most blatant sign the old lady in this episode was delusional is the scene where the old lady entirely mistook the actress for the old lady's dead daughter. that is DEFINITELY a sign the poor ol gal has some form of mental problem.

strange guy • 1 year ago

Yeah I know what you mean

Tripple-A • 1 year ago

Boring filler, nothing to see here.

strange guy • 1 year ago

The last time they sweepers and cleaned shinchi’s house was episode 99 or 100(I looked it up and felt episode 100 was that episode)

strange guy • 1 year ago

What an odd way to start this episode

christian engesæt • 2 years ago

This even worse then the brats

bari • 2 years ago

someone is def jealous HAHAHA

Taboretto • 2 years ago

They never question how Shinichi is able to solve a case while not being there and just from small message lol

nate~6996ฯ • 2 years ago
